Home News Industry News Common faults and solutions of power dissipation fans?

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Common faults and solutions of power dissipation fans?

Common faults and solutions of power dissipation fans?

The power cooling fan will generate a lot of heat when it is in use. It is not safe to rely on the cooling function of the device itself to dissipate heat, so it will not be used in this way. At present, general cooling fans are used in power supply equipment, and the standard design of fans is fixed. Adding components to reduce speed to reduce noise is equivalent to drinking poison to quench your thirst, which is not desirable.



1. Clean the fan dust, dust will not only increase the weight of the fan blade but also make the fan blade heavier and increase the sound of the bearing. (Old machine has obvious cleaning effect)


2. This method is expensive. Buy an ultra-quiet fan and replace it.


3. With this device, you can set the temperature of the device to a certain level and then enable the fan. Normally, if the load is light and the heat is not high, the fan will not turn. this is the best. See instructions. Most of the cooling fans of the inverter work intelligently through the control circuit. Usually, it won't work until the temperature exceeds 45 degrees. In addition, some brands also stipulate that it will start under a certain load. The best brand I use has this feature


If the downtime you mentioned is not in the above case, you need to see if it's a fan issue. You can use a multimeter to measure whether the fan has output current at high temperatures. If anything, it's a bad fan. If there is no result, it is a broken electronic component or a virtual shock in the board fan current output. If you understand electronics and you have some practical ability, then use a multimeter to check. The inverter circuit is not very complicated, and the problem can be solved quickly


If you find the problem but don't replace the part, you don't need to replace it. In any case, inverters rarely run at full load and have a hard time reaching the maximum temperature at which they work. If the temperature is really high, you can dissipate heat in other ways.